Monthly Archives: October 2013

Turning to Ecommerce: Why Successful Businesses Sell Online

- - Innovation
Today it appears almost a necessity for businesses to promote their brand, if not sell their services and products, online. As stark as this may sound, the threat of not doing so could quite easily render your business invisible to the vast majority of potential customers that are rapidly becoming more internet savvy and global in outreach. The challenge is such that any business NOT operating online is limiting their chances of competing with others in a marketplace that has become incredibly Read more [...]

Should limited company contractors take a salary?

- - Legal
Both existing contractors and those looking to work on a freelance basis for the first time are increasingly investigating whether setting up a limited company and operating through this would be the most beneficial process for them. However, it is important to remember that this option will not be open to you if HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) decides that you fall inside the IR35 legislation. This ruling was designed to prevent the situation where salaried employees were being listed as company Read more [...]

Short-term solutions for businesses stocking up for Christmas

- - Business
Whisper quietly as some choose not to believe it just yet, but Christmas is relatively just around the corner and companies need to be ready for it. There may be the cantankerous souls among us that refuse to recognise that Christmas is upon us until the middle of December. However, for retailers and other businesses, Christmas starts in earnest months before the actual event. The Christmas sales of a company can set it up for the rest of the year or, if they get it wrong, could mean they are Read more [...]

How can your business get the most out of a trade show?

- - Marketing
It's quite easy to think that attending a trade show is the perfect opportunity to get out of the office and relax. However, to take this view is to miss out on the chance to significantly promote your business, establish contacts and potentially generate custom. According to research undertaken by the Association of Event Organisers' FaceTime magazine, using the latest available data, 1.75 million people attended UK trade shows in 2010. If you’re considering attending an industry event, you Read more [...]

Getting the most out of office space

- - Business
Monday to Friday, the workplace is where most people will spend the bulk of their day. It then pays to really invest in an office that is welcoming, well-designed and capable of promoting a productive and upbeat atmosphere. It is interesting then that while interior design is often taken seriously in the home – creating a space that is comfortable and stylish – this direction can often be overlooked in offices. While they are meant to be functional to a degree, this should not dictate Read more [...]

A guide to investing in commodities

- - Business
One of the major benefits of spread betting as opposed to traditional forms of investment is that it provides you with the opportunity to make trades on a wide variety of markets and instruments, including equities, forex and commodities. While the vast majority of those investigating just what financial spread betting is will have even the most basic awareness of stock markets and currency pairings, there is a tendency for inexperienced traders to steer clear of the many commodities markets Read more [...]

10 ways to market your business on a budget

- - Marketing
Whether you're starting a new business venture or are looking for ways to attract new clients, there are many ways to market your company. However, if you're working to a tight budget, you'll need to plan your options carefully. Here are our top ten suggestions for minimising your marketing spend. 1.    Meet the public Taking part in local events can give your business lots of good exposure, especially if your target customers are people from the area. For example, depending on the nature Read more [...]

How Company Mergers Affect Employee Morale

- - Innovation
There's a school of thought that says that the most important asset of any company walks out the door every day at 5pm - the employees. Employers hope they have shown enough respect to their staff with their version of incentive awards, to ensure the employee will want to return the next day and work to the greatest height of their abilities. One of the most difficult tasks in business is to maintain continuity and productivity in two companies that are merging.  There are so many issues that have Read more [...]

Top Business Blogs for Business Administrators

- - Business
In today's highly competitive, global marketplace it is vitally important that every member of a company's management structure, including the administrators, be at the top of their game and current with education, trends and strategies. An online degree in business administration paired with keeping up to date with the latest trends by reading the top business blogs is more effective than ever in establishing these goals. Blogs are a great way to get large amounts of current information on every Read more [...]

Why it’s Time for the Washington Redskins to Change their Name

- - Innovation
Political correctness comes part and parcel with living in a modern, global society. Though there are times when the move toward political correctness seems to go a bit too far, the reality is that the principle behind the practice is sound. One area in which the PC movement seems to strike the right balance is the use of slurs or epithets directed toward a person's race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. In general, the use of such language is frowned upon by society at large. This is Read more [...]