When you get a panicked phone call from your spouse saying that the car has broken down and the engine seems to be on fire, you can feel confident that that is a real financial emergency. If a new video game comes out that you want to buy, but you do not have the money for it right now, that is clearly not an emergency. Short-term loans are a great way to get the cash that you need to make it through financial emergencies, but understanding what those emergencies are and how to handle them can Read more [...]
Financial pitfalls, in general, can lead to extremely stressful times. This can be aggravated in an environment of poor economic conditions. Therefore, in such situations, the last thing you need to worry about is your debts. Debts can have a particularly negative impact on your way of life and if you have been stocking up on your outstanding bills, you may soon have to take some decision pertaining to the repayment of the same. If you are unable to repay your debts within a 6 month mark, you may Read more [...]